Wednesday, February 4, 2015

BLOG, Does it work? YES!

BLOG, Does it work? YES!

   A tool is very important when we learn English. This is one of the important motivations for ESL learners to get involved in the language. In particular, a blog is a fantastic tool to lead learners to study English in various ways as well as teachers to develop their professional with useful resources.
   Firstly, blogs have an easy access to studying English. Blogs can be run by one person or by a group of people who are invited to participate, and visitors can leave comments, thus creating a real space for discussion and collaboration. Blogs are archived, and access to these records of postings allows for consultation and research. Moreover, blogs provide links to other blogs, useful sites, photographs, images, audio and video. Educators from all over the world are taking advantage of this versatile tool to provide their students with the opportunity to communicate in meaningful interactive situations with teachers and other students of the language from all over the planet.
   Also, teachers can make full use of blogs for themselves. Blogging can give teachers valuable feedback one anther. As they gain feedback from a readership, they gain a sense of peer review, sometimes challenging and refuting their ideas such as tricky to handle, but be open minded and you will learn a lot from constructive criticism or affirming what you already believe to be true. some feedback from readers adds further value to their blog post, and it's there for all to read. Affirmation of their own beliefs can be a powerful enabler for them as a professional practitioner.

Performance Indicator - ESL.I.5-
Students identify and use reading and listening strategies to make text comprehensible and meaningful.

Students develop and present clear interpretations, analyses, and evaluations of issues, ideas, texts, and experiences; justify and explain the rationale for positions, using persuasive language, tone, evidence, and well-developed arguments.


  1. I'm glad that you mentioned the importance of the comment section of blogs, because sometimes the comment section of a post is the most interesting. When responders disagree on an issue in a post, they often present their opinions in the comment section and sometimes there is a real back and forth among those who hold differing opinions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I totally agree with you that Blog can help teachers in these two aspects: providing abundant useful materials for students and other teachers or people who are interested in teaching and getting feedback from students. Both of them can make teaching more effective. Blog really works.

  4. I agree with you that using blogs is a good way for teachers to receive feedback and have self-reflections since blogs are able to provide teachers with places to record their classes. Additionally, teachers could receive suggestions from other teachers and students, and this is a process which is really helpful and meaningful since some suggestions works really well to improve classes.

  5. I agree with you about the comment section, it was something I didn't think of when i was writing my post. Now that i think about it more the comment section could be valuable to the student and teacher for peer review.

  6. I like your point of receiving feedback as a teacher. Blog helps to create a peer environment. Besides, we as teachers can also learn from students as well. I will pay more attention to the comment section of blog in my future teaching.
